Welton shares first place in Miller League

Welton Construction was 2-0 Wednesday to move into a tie for first place after two weeks of Miller League Softball at Miller Park.

Welton and Beachcomber are both 3-1, with ACC a game back at 2-2. Outscored 128-7, Lofy is off to an 0-4 start.

Wednesday, Welton beat Beachcomber 16-12 and Lofy 28-1. Beachcomber beat ACC 16-9 and ACC beat Lofy 30-1.

This coming Wednesday, games at the North Field are ACC vs. Welton at 5:30 p.m. and Welton vs. Lofy at 7 p.m.

Games at the South Field are Beachcomber vs. Lofy at 5:30 p.m. and Beachcomber vs. ACC at 7 p.m.

League standings and a complete schedule are online at leaguelobster.com/572567 (shortcut) or https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/572567/miller-league-softball/2019/#