Boosters club meeting is tonight at Chen's

The Siuslaw Athletic Booster Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. today at Chen's Family Dish, 3620 Highway 101 in Florence.

Chen's is the third restaurant the SABC has scheduled since moving its monthly meetings from the high school library. The club also has met at Rosa's Mexican Restaurant and the 1285 Restobar.

In new business, the SABC will consider batting feedback sensors for baseball and softball, jerseys for boys basketball and repair of the baseball scoreboard.

The club still is seeking a membership chair and public relations coordinator.

The next meeting is 6 p.m. Jan. 27 at a site to be announced.

Last month's minutes, from club secretary Anna Moser:

Meeting started at 6:31 p.m.
Officers present: Steve Moser, Anna Moser, Chris Johnson, Chris Rowbotham, Jon Hornung
Officers absent: Tracy Aaron, Jeromy Graybill
Members present: Ashlee Cole, Andy Grzeskowiak
Others present: Neil Wartnik, Brittany Hornung, Sara Truax, Kerri Tatum
1. Introductions
2. Minutes: Approve (motion Chris R, 2nd Jon, passed)
3. Treasurer's report: Nothing to report, treasurer absent last 2 meetings but no money has gone in or out the last month.
4. Membership: No officer but we still only have less than 20 members.
5. Old Business-
a. No current projects
b. Decisions on previous proposals:
i. Yearbook ad- $75 (motion Anna, 2nd Chris J, passed)
6. New Business
a. New Proposals:
i. Water bottle fillers @ the track- Anna. Talked with Reed & a company in Eugene that sells the Elkay brand that would mount to the wall as an outdoor water bottle fill station & drinking fountain combo. The actual fountain would cost $3,535 with an added $43 part as well as any maintenance/install cost. The request is for $5000. It will take 40 days once it is ordered to get in then installed so Steve asked if we should table this until next meeting or put to a special vote and we are taking it to a special vote.
ii. Girls Basketball- Coach Cole. 1st request was to renew part of the current Hudl subscription for video analysis and other tasks. She said she would only need the silver membership and with another sport already having it, the cost would be $450 for one year. (motion Chris J, 2nd Chris R, passed). The second was 30 reversible practice jerseys. Ashlee said there were only 5 left when she looked and they were from at least 2014. That would cost $240. (motion Chris J, 2nd Anna, passed).
b. Open officer positions:
i. Membership, Public Relations still open if anyone knows anyone that could be interested. Possible committee of Kat, Lori, & Kim. PR includes the Facebook page, website, other contacts.
c. SABC moving forward this year-
i. Change of venue? Not unless someone emails Steve with an new option
ii. Parent Involvement/ coaching input
7. Good of the Order- Neil was wondering about the headgear that was ordered after coaches corner..? We will ask Tracy about it because members present thought it was ordered & delivered. Also, Geraldine would like to buy 2 signs so Steve will be contacting her.
8. Adjourn- (motion Chris R; second Chris J) at 6:58 p.m.