Vikings hoping for net gain by next season

Siuslaw soccer coach Londi Tomaro

You can't stop soccer, you can only hope to contain it.

Enter Londi Tomaro, coach of the Siuslaw Vikings.

"As part of our preparations for future seasons, we are installing field barrier netting to prevent the ball from flying out into the street," Tomaro said.

Tomaro may not bend it like Beckham, but she's a straight shooter when it comes to promoting her sport.

To that end, she is shepherding a soccer netting project on the Siuslaw High School campus, on the site her sport shares with junior varsity baseball.

"The netting will go along 27th Street, about 140 yards, and behind both goals, about 70 to 80 yards each, and will be 20 feet high," Tomaro said.

"Total cost will be between $30,000 and $40,000, depending on the exact length we cover and the size of the netting."

The fundraising drive got an early boost of $4,000 from the Western Lane Community Foundation.

"We are grateful for the funding part of the project," Tomaro said. "Their support also helped catalyze our decision to get the project done all in one go instead of piece by piece."

Tomaro is asking area businesses to sponsor sections of the netting system at three levels — $250, $500 and $1,000.

The project goes beyond netting.

"We are hoping for more spectator seating, which will make it easier and more comfortable to watch our home games," Tomaro said.

Contact Tomaro at


Nearly all Vikings soccer players will return next season, and the well of talent is growing.

"We graduated one senior this year and had one exchange student, so that leaves 22 potentially returning players," Tomaro said.

"We also will have 8 to 10 players joining the team for the first time, and I am hopeful that a few players who opted out during this covid-influenced season will decide to play."

Tomaro expects more girls in the program, but not enough to start a separate program. Girls wanting to play now must play on the boys' team.

"I know that as soon as we have the numbers, we will form the team and start scheduling games," she said.